New Papas Circle

Supporting the transformation into fatherhood.

2 Wednesdays a month 5:30pm - 8:30pm
At our office in North Boulder.

A space for encouraging the healthy masculine and the divine Papa in each of us.

A chance for new papas to connect with each other in a fertile time for growth and rich transformation. This is for all men who are on the path of fatherhood. That includes men with babies on the way, as well as fathers with babies and small children.

This is an ongoing circle and can be joined at any time.

$122 a month, or $66 to drop-in.

New Mamas Circle

with Mandalena Luz of Mother Bridge

1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month in Boulder

The main focus of these circles is to build connection with other mamas-to-be, to support the profound transformation into motherhood, and to connect with and listen to the incoming souls. Women can join in person or on zoom.

$122 a month or $66 a drop in.

This is an ongoing circle, and women at any stage of pregnancy are welcome.

To receive location details and reserve your spot, send an email to or text 720-900-9663.